Hello, I'm

Adrian Maciuc

An Automation Engineer From Romania

I have some very particular skills about automating processes and Quality Assurance

Programming skills

Python. Javascript/Typescript. Java. Cypress. Playwright. Selenium.

Quality Assurance application types

Experience with Windows applications. Web applications. Mobile applications

Work Methodologies

Certified Professional Scrum Master. Advocate of efficient communication and best practices.


Years of



I can Automate

Build frameworks from scratch

I have built from scratch automation frameworks. I have restructured to optimize existing frameworks, both using Playwright with Typescript and Cypress with Javascript. I have used OOP concepts and Page Object Model as well as just modular based functional programming.

Work Projects

What I Did for my Clients

A few of the projects that I have provided Quality Assurance and automation services for

Web App Economics

Python with Selenium

Macro-economic indicators, dealing with data, graphs and plots.



Medical equipment

Python with TestComplete

Desktop application connected to medical devices.



Web App Services Platform

Javascript with Cypress

Platform that matches providers with clients for various services

Web App

Playwright with Typescript

End to end web app including Component testing


What My Clients or Team mates Say

Feedback about working with me

From My Blog

Tips, Tricks and Secrets

Contact Me

I Want To Hear From You

Contact me using one of the options below


Cluj-Napoca, Romania


adrian.maciuc [at] gmail.com

Developed with love by Adrian Maciuc © 2024

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